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    Narodnaya Solyanka is not a game, it is virtual reality. Here you are guaranteed the impossibility of completing quests in the same way, or simply living in the Zone. Here everyone will find something they like.


    Sigerous Mod 1.7 - story mod developed for Stalker Call of Pripyat. In SGM 1.7, the original plot of the game was completely rewritten, new key characters were added, a new quest line that changes and expands the capabilities of the original version of the game. This global mod has proven itself to be very stable, unlike other creations of modders. 


    One plot that replaces the original one. The actions take place about half a year, maybe a year before the original events. As always, the plot is stupid and does not pretend to be high art.


    The main task of the main character is to understand who he is, what his past is, what is happening in the present, what this formation – the Zone – represents. Is he the same Strelok about whom there are so many stories and rumors? The search for “his” path in life, his place among stalkers, those who come to the Zone for a while and sometimes stay here forever - this is the main incentive that drives our hero to go all the way...


    The storyline has been significantly changed. A large number of scenes are organized (similar to those at the Landfill, at the beginning of the location, the moment with Yurik). Now it's really difficult to survive in the zone. In order to get some money you need to look for artifacts, and they are found in the game. Also, the difficulty of survival lies in the fact that all the groups in the zone are fighting among themselves for territory, and you will not be left without attention! Added 150 types of weapons, more than 100 new armored suits and much more.


    Have you ever, while reading a book on the game STALKER, wished to get into that world and personally experience all the sensations of the other world, full of danger and terrible nightmares that only appear in dreams? If you are haunted by the desire to feel in your own skin the full power of the world of anomalous nature, then this mod is for you. From the first minute there will be no concessions. Every breath could be your last. This modification is aimed at complicating the game in all aspects of the gameplay.


    Secret Paths 2 is a new prequel to the original Shadows of Chernobyl. A new storyline that intertwines with the quests already known from TT, and which reveals more deeply the reason for the appearance of the main character in the Zone.


    The shooter returns from Pripyat with the military and again finds himself at the Cordon. New and old characters, new groups (Search, Zone Veterans, Apocalypse and Headhunters) and new adventures of Strelok in the Exclusion Zone.


    A new version of the mod that adds full-fledged freeplay to the game. New quests have been added for all groups, bandits and military men have a car, the ability to slightly modify weapons and armor has been added (through dialogue, the same NPCs who repair things, Sidorovich and Bartender modify the armor).


    Atmosfear is a set of modifications for the game STALKER - Call of Pripyat, which changes and expands the standard weather system, making it more realistic and varied.


    Two months have passed since the memorable storming of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant by an alliance of factions. The Search group is based in Pripyat. No money, no products, no contract. In addition, the connection is lost. Slaven goes to Station-2 to get radio parts to repair the radio. You will find out how this “quiet” walk will turn out for him by going through the plot of the Search DIES IRAE mod.


    This is not just an addition to the CHN, but a story that opens a new line in the STALKER universe. The plot of the mod fully corresponds to the plot of the book about the Reborn, which is written by the Author. The Reborn mod was conceived by the Author in 2 parts - “Artifacts of Death” and “Doubles”. *In addition to this public version, there is an author's version. Everything that was removed from the public version due to censorship reasons is left in the author's version.


    A new storyline that works according to the principle: If you do nothing, nothing happens/Went there, found out, got a logical outcome. It is because of this principle that you will have to move around a lot, explore, and learn.



    This modification is an attempt to restore the plot from 2005. Information to restore the plot was taken from old builds of the game - 2215, 2205, 1935 and from the Shadow of Chernobyl resources.


    This is a global mod, with a new plot, locations, new weather, and a new scripted weather system. It took 43 days to develop. The Swamp Doctor took part in the work. The mod has many features from other winter mods that give the zone more atmosphere.


    The addon adds a new plot to the game that connected all three parts of the STALKER game in more detail, and also brought into it some key points described in the book series. The result was a composite plot that could become one of the possible options for the backstory of A. Bobl’s book Warriors of the Zone. In total, the new storyline includes 25 main quests, most of which will only be available in freeplay. As you progress, you will meet familiar characters from the games Clear Sky and Shadows of Chernobyl, as well as some from the books. These are stalkers Wolf and Phantom, Hemulen and Lemur, mercenaries Hog and Scar. In addition to the story ones, 40 additional quests were also made.


    The Search group is fighting an unequal battle in Pripyat with the superior forces of the Apocalypse group. The commercial director of the group, Anatoly Nemtsev, not knowing about the events in Pripyat, signs a contract to search for three stalkers missing in the Zone


    Lieutenant Quartet, like other military personnel, took part in Operation Monolith. During the flight through Pripyat to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the helicopter pilot is killed by a Monolithovets from an unknown weapon. The helicopter crashes, and the main character ends up in a spatial anomaly. The quartet wakes up at Cordon, where he learns that two years have passed, during which a lot has changed in the Zone. The quartet decides to find out what happened, while at the same time finding the unknown weapon from which the helicopter was shot down.


    The Marked One, having destroyed the secret laboratory of O-consciousness, appears on the territory of the station in its northern part. Another regular emission occurs, but this is the last and most powerful in the history of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the remains of the Monolith die, but the GG again manages to survive. After teleportation, Marked One finds himself above the Sarcophagus, perhaps this saves his life. After this, all teleports stop working. You have to risk your life to go down to the ground. And when the descent occurs safely, Marked One discovers a sea of ​​corpses, a sea of ​​damaged equipment. We have to find a way out of this crazy hell. There is one dead-end exit through the Sarcophagus, in which the unfinished parts of the Monolith remain, but there is an opportunity to go in a northern direction, where there is already uncontrolled territory, which Marked decides to do.


    Have you ever, while reading a book on the game STALKER, wanted to experience with your own eyes all the dangers of the other world? If you are haunted by such a desire, then this mod is for you. From the first minute there will be no concessions. Every step could be the last.


    The main goal of the Paradise Lost mod is to bring the game "STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl" closer to the model that was demonstrated by the developers of GSC Game World in the period from 2002 to 2005 - i.e. to bring back everything that was lost in the release, but remained in those old screenshots, trailers, “final counts”, articles in many gaming magazines - what can now be seen in the assemblies of the game development process (builds), which, fortunately, are available for download. So, the tasks of the mod include bringing the best of the builds into the final version of the game: visual style, graphics and its unique features (DX8 and DX9), behavior and actions of NPCs, individual plot points, and much more.



    A new plot that allows the player to explore the Zone from the perspective of a new character. To create the plot, information was partially taken from design documents, but most of the quests and plot twists were invented by the author. Zombies and Burers have been restored. They can be encountered several times during the game.